Do we "drink our own champagne"*?
Of course we do!

You too can create critical business applications with the Bonita
low-code, open source platform - just like we did

Critical business apps we built with Bonita

  • Customer Service Center
    Objective: Create a great user experience for Bonita Enterprise customers
    • Team Customer Service Center
    • Team Customer Service Center
    • Team Customer Service Center
    • Team Customer Service Center
    Time to deployment:4 months
  • Bonita Certification Platform
    Objective: Create an interactive, autonomous training evaluation for self-paced learning & Bonita platform certification
    • Team Bonita Certification Platform
    • Team Bonita Certification Platform
    • Team Bonita Certification Platform
    Time to deployment:4 months


1. Sometimes you just have to build it yourself

* Our requirements were out-of-scope of existing possible solutions
* Custom development on Bonita gave us full control over shaping the result
* The Bonita Living Applications can evolve with our business needs

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2. Two challenges we met and mastered

* Integration with Salesforce can degrade performance as queries take time. But as Bonita Cloud is running on a clustered environment, we use a distributed cache.
* We didn’t want to rely on (S)FTP(S) for security reasons. All cloud vendors offer Java SDKs that make them easy to integrate inside integration connectors and REST API extensions, and we used them extensively.

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3. Bonita really is for mission critical processes

Bonitasoft mission critical process example #1: Our customer-centered approach requires a state-of-the-art, customized Customer Service Center. Built on Bonita!

Bonitasoft mission critical process example #2: Technical and business teams using the Bonita platform need to be well trained and certified at their own pace, using an evaluation process. Built on Bonita!

4. Include the right people on the project team

Our core Bonita application development teams included:
* Application owner
* Usability specialist
* Design specialist
* application developer
(Some of them never worked on a Bonita project before!)

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5. One fundamentally important tip to share

Communicate about business needs in a way that so developers understand what the end result is intended for. And developers SHOULD point out when a request will be expensive to implement.
When our developers understood the intent and suggested an alternative, we almost always found a solution that saved time and complexity.

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Want to know more?

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*"Drink your own champagne" - because we agree with Jo Hoppe that this is so much more appealing than "eat your own dog food!"