Process mining & Process Intelligence  - 3min

Intelligent continuous improvement, when BPM meets AI

Intelligent continuous improvement, when BPM meets AI
September 05, 2017

On September 12, Bonitasoft CEO Miguel Valdés Faura will present a keynote on "Intelligent continuous improvement, when BPM meets AI" at the BPM 2017 workshop in Barcelona, Spain.

"Intelligent continuous improvement, when BPM meets AI"

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are evolving faster than ever thanks to the maturity of cloud computing, BigData and the accessibility of predictive and machine learning algorithms and frameworks. But, is BPM software ready to embrace AI?

Through continued modernisation, BPM platforms go beyond traditional process automation and optimisation to play a key role in digital transformation in organisations of all sizes. Modern BPM application requirements include advanced end user interfaces (UIs), access to big volumes of business data and real time updates of those processes, UIs and data.

AI will be the next major wave of innovation in BPM.

In this session Miguel will putline the challenges and opportunities involved in the shift towards the use of AI technologies in BPM, suggest use cases in which AI enables intelligent continuous improvement of business processes and BPM applications, and point out pros and cons of different AI technologies when it relates to BPM.

Join Miguel in his beautiful hometown for this 5-day conference! You can find more information about the BPM 2017 Conference here.

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