Customers  - 3min

Students expect - and get - the best at University of Queensland

Students expect - and get - the best at University of Queensland
August 07, 2018

The University of Queensland, Australia, wanted to provide a world class student experience on their MyUQ platform.

To do this, they wanted to implement business process automation, digitize and automate internal processes that support the student journey, and at the same time integrate their existing legacy systems, some of which are 15-20 years old.

With Bonitasoft partner Intelligent Pathways, they used the Bonita platform to automate and integrate, to improve not only the student journey but also the user experience for staff and alumni.

This video, made by Intelligent Pathways with University of Queensland, explains what they did with Bonita and why. 

Business Process Automation has dramatically improved user experience for students, staff and alumni at UQ. Students can submit and track requests in real time from their web or mobile device and the time taken for staff to process requests has been greatly reduced. UQ is also benefiting from cost efficiencies due to improved data accuracy and timeliness, a reduction in integration development effort, and paper minimization.

You can also download the customer story here.


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