In this article by George Lawton at Tech Target, he explains nicely how RPA and BPM are distinctly different but highly complementary for planning, automating and improving key business operations.
First, he describes each of the technologies:
What is RPA?
RPA programmable software, or bots, automates manual, repetitive, rules-based tasks by mimicking the way humans click and type through typical business applications.
What is BPM?
BPM technologies capture workflows and processes with software, using visual diagrams that can then be turned directly into business applications using a BPM engine and user interfaces.
And then Lawton addresses the two together:
RPA and BPM: How to use each concept separately -- and together
"Deploying robots to automate tasks in an inefficient process just makes a faster inefficient process. Approaching business process automation by looking at the whole process end-to-end through BPM implementation results in a better process, where RPA can have its own important role to play."
-Miguel Valdes Faura, Bonitasoft co-founder and former CEO