• Experts Corner

    Let Bonita experts help you when you need it.

    Schedule a 30-60 minute appointment to discuss anything you need expertise on, as many times as you need to.


  • Experts Corner
  • Our Bonita experts will be happy to discuss issues and find solutions with you, via video conference:
  • Our Bonita experts will be happy to discuss issues and find solutions with you, via video conference:

    • Any challenge you are facing with your Bonita project. During this session you will learn from our experience how to address your issue; the solution to be implemented is in your hands, and you have the advantage of real time shadowing from Bonitasoft as you work on the solution during the session.
    • Complex questions unique to your project. Bonita experts will take into account the specifics of your Bonita Platform, your stack, and your project requirements, to ensure that the response provided is tailored to your needs.
  • Use the Experts Corner to determine how to get the best start possible with any new Bonita project. We can offer reviews to cover:

    •  Project milestones
    •  Any Bonita related issues opened via the Customer Service Center
    •  A full code review of your process development
    •  Best practices for a successful project with Bonita every step of the way
  • Experts Bonitasoft

Contact us

Ask us anything! For technical questions about Bonita, ask our community members, they'll be happy to help you! If you're a customer, please visit our Customer Portal.