Once again, Bonitasoft is rated a Top Performer in FeaturedCustomers' Customer Success Ranking.
Featured Customers announces 2023 Customer Success Awards
Top Performers have a significant market presence and resources and enough customer
reference content to validate their vision. As a Top Performer, Bonita is highly rated by its customers.
The FeaturedCustomers Customer Success ranking is based on data from its customer reference platform, market presence, web presence, & social presence as well as additional data aggregated from online sources and media properties. Its ranking engine applies an algorithm to all data collected to calculate the final Customer Success Report rankings.
How Customer Success is calculated
The overall Customer Success ranking is a weighted average based on content, market presence, and company information.
Content scoring includes:
- Total # of vendor generated customer references (case studies, success stories, testimonials, and customer videos)
- Customer reference rating score
- Year-over-year change in amount of customer references on the FeaturedCustomers platform
- Total # of profile views on the FeaturedCustomers platform
- Total # of customer reference views on the FeaturedCustomers platform
Market presence scoring includes:
- Social media followers including LinkedIn, Twitter, & Facebook
- Vendor momentum based on web traffic and search trends
- Organic SEO key term rankings
- Company presence including # of press mentions
Company Information Scoring includes:
- Total # of employees (based on social media and public resources)
- Year-over-year change in # of employees over past 12 months
- Glassdoor ranking
- Venture capital raised
2023 Customer Success Awards
Check out the list of the highest rated Business Process Management (BPM) Software based on the FeaturedCustomers Customer Success Report.