BPM & Automation  - 2min

Miguel Valdes Faura guests on Open Source Underdogs podcast

Miguel Valdes Faura guests on Open Source Underdogs podcast
December 08, 2020

Miguel joined Mike Schwartz for a podcast chat about open-source digital process automation. 


Miguel Valdes Faura Open Source Bonitasoft

Listen to Mike's Open Source Underdogs discussion with Miguel here!

Mike Schwartz:  Not every tech company follows the same trajectory to success. Hypergrowth is great if your market supports it, but the world of infrastructure software is diverse, and hypergrowth can subject your business to unreasonable risk.

To me, Bonitasoft was a reminder that a CEO’s responsibility can transcend shareholder value. While the primacy of shareholder value seems axiomatic in Silicon Valley, it’s worthwhile for entrepreneurs to weigh that risk. Miguel and his team did just that, and their success validates the idea that business models are not a one-size-fits-all proposition.

As a side note, as I was doing my research, I noticed that Miguel has interviews in Spanish, English and French. American CEOs are lucky to speak two languages, but three is pretty exceptional. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the interview. This was the last of 2020. So, without further ado, here we go:


>> Read the transcript


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