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Continuous performance monitoring of business processes: the key to efficiency

Continuous performance monitoring of business processes: the key to efficiency
June 11, 2024

Continuous monitoring and analysis to ensure business process efficiency

Business process automation enhances productivity, yet the specific advantages are not always clear. Good measurement of automation effectiveness will become a cornerstone for organizational competitiveness, as it paves the way for continuous process optimization, grounded in precise data analysis, enhancing performance, and aligning operations with strategic goals. 

Evaluating process efficiency

Regular evaluation of business processes to ensure they meet pre-defined objectives is how productivity measurements are possible. For automated tasks, detailed analysis of execution data helps identify blockages, bottlenecks, and necessary adjustments for continuous performance improvement. Demystifying complex process data and guiding users towards prioritized indicators empowers informed decision-making for business stakeholders.

Visibility through data

Optimizing automated business processes depends on comprehensive visibility into their operations. Statistics such as volume, execution time, and number of steps offer valuable insights. Process-specific tools, available only in some BPM automation solutions, enable optimization across design, development, automation, data observation, implementation, and productivity results so the teams involved can make changes at the right process level.

Continuous measurement and improvement

Continuous measurement of process efficiency helps to align performance with set objectives and can swiftly identify improvement opportunities. Stakeholders can use this information to accurately see and refine automation strategy through detailed and understandable reporting: the IT team better measures the impact of the automation it has developed, while customer service evaluates the benefits of automated request handling, and so on.

Data-driven optimization

Business process analysis tools play a crucial role in this ongoing improvement process, offering in-depth understanding of actual operations. The team can see actual operational efficiency, identify bottlenecks, target modifications to enhance performance, and proactively detect inefficiencies like time-consuming tasks or redundant steps.

AI and Machine Learning for enhanced data usage

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) open new possibilities for in-depth analysis and optimization of automations. AI helps extract valuable insights from data and identifies patterns, feeding ML algorithms for trend, dependency, or anomaly analysis. Leveraging process execution data supports a better understanding of the root causes of deviations from objectives. Users can be alerted when non-compliance with objectives/SLAs, remaining duration, or the occurrence of undesirable events is detected based on learning or anticipating the ongoing process. Ultimately, causal and predictive analyses can lead to corrective recommendations for the ongoing process, possibly formulated in real-time, or even to suggestions for structural automation modifications to enhance performance.

Towards optimal automation implementation

The key to optimization lies in the ability to obtain good visibility on automated processes, using tools that enable in-depth analysis of execution data. Good tools facilitate the rapid identification of improvement opportunities and enables informed decisions to refine automation strategy.


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