Aprico Consultants
Aprico just celebrated 20 years in business with more than 120 employees and numerous clients. It specializes in digital transformation projects and offers both consulting services and support to develop ad-hoc and customized solutions.
Coreso (in energy) and Interparking (in services) are among its digital transformation clients.
What Aprico Consultants offers
Aprico offers two types of services:
Consulting in Digital Business Transformation: Aprico Consultants is dedicated to the "pragmatic" analysis of customer issues and challenges, the architecture design for "light and efficient" solutions, as well as the development and maintenance of agile implementation of ICT projects for strategic business transformation. Aprico comprises more than 60 experts covering almost all IT domains: Change Management, Program Management / Transformation Project, Business Analysis, Enterprise Architecture, IT Infrastructure, Application Solutions, IT Security, Development Management , and delivery of solutions.
Aprico Development: An effective center of computer development and information systems engineering, made up of more than 30 computer professionals selected, recruited and trained by Aprico Consultants with the highest standards in advanced information technologies and agile computer engineering methodologies. The multidisciplinary team of Aprico Development is made up of Technical Analysts (Designers), Developers, Technical Architects and SCRUM Masters in Microsoft.NET, SharePoint, Java, PHP, Mobile, Bonita, Talend, JasperSoft, Angular JS and HTML5.
Mobility Module
Aprico Consultants has been a valued partner in Belgium since 2015, and has developed a great initiative for mobility.
Aprico has deep knowledge of the Bonita platform, developed through certifying and training about twenty masters'-level software engineers and by developing a mobility module for Bonita. As they positioned Bonita as a key part of digital transformation, Aprico realized the importance of being able to make processes mobile, allowing users to exploit the full potential of all their devices in their interaction with business processes.
Thanks to the open, documented architecture and support of Bonitasoft's R & D teams, Aprico has developed a module that can transform any Bonita Living Application into a native mobile application.
This is now being implemented in the medical sector. The goal of the mobile module is to enable users to interact with business processes on any mobile device (triggering processes, validating and monitoring them remotely, automating and optimizing data acquisition using AI).
This solution is designed for a hybrid application environment. A desirable value proposition is highlighted:
- Process optimization: Integration of mobility into existing processes (on-site data acquisition, notification);
- Mobile digital transformation: Adding a layer of mobility and real-time notification over existing internal business applications
- Reusing investments: transforming existing BonitaSoft projects into a mobile solution incrementally without introducing new tools or working methods (This module is not a new tool but an extension of the possibilities offered by the BonitaSoft core solution).
The key aspects of this solution:
- A native application for installing and running applications developed with Bonita.
- A set of "custom widgets" and REST APIs allowing the use of native features of mobile devices and integrating the sending of notifications through the Apple / Google / Azure notification services.
- An application allowing the pairing of users' mobile devices.
With the combined know-how of Aprico Consultants and Bonitasoft, your projects will be successful, any time, anywhere!