Cenotech Solutions is a technology consulting services firm. They specialize in providing business and technical knowledge for the financial services industry.
Their expertise lies in a deep understanding data and business processes that drive financial services. Cenotech has proficiency in how data is sourced and stored, where it is used, how it is integrated across various applications and how business and operations use the data within the operating environment.
They provide the expertise to address today’s most challenging issues. Their consultants have the necessary business understanding and technology tool kits to reach across applications, address integration challenges, and improve workflow and communications of complex business processes.
What Cenotech offers
Cenotech enables intelligent automation by leveraging methodology and technology to reach more optimal future states.
- Strategic Consulting
- Integration solutions
- Business Process Management
- Inteligent Automation
Michael Lauritzen, partner at Cenotech solutions explains the value of Bonitasoft partnership and describes the project they implemented at a large asset management firm.