Océane Consulting
With its global experience (IT, digital), the Océane Consulting group has consolidated a multi-service offering through its 9 subsidiaries, bringing together today 400 people for a turnover of nearly 40 M €.
The Data Management subsidiary of the Océane Consulting group, a Pure Player integrator throughout the entire paperless chain, brings together more than 40 experts with an exclusive partnership strategy for each aspect of the value chain (OCR, LAD, RAD, GED, BPM, ECM, electronic signature, electronic safe), which includes Bonitasoft for BPM.
Océane Consulting and Bonitasoft, 10 years of excellence for our clients!
10 years and a birthday in common...a great reason to continue our partnership and collaborate effectively together to serve our customers' satisfaction.
Partners for more than 5 years, Bonitasoft and Océane Consulting have common and diversified references with ANFR, Omnium Finance and the Region of Hauts-de-France, among others.
Océane Consulting and Bonitasoft - serving the public sector
Our collective approach - creating value in technical intelligence and based on similar values - led us to create a webinar for the public sector; particularly applicable to open-source solutions delivered by French companies.
Wnat to know more about Océane Consulting's offer with Bonita?
We're here to tell you more.
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