Improving member services through process transformation with Bonita

« Our goal is to create better interaction with our members and improve the quality of service we provide them, so a contact form will be put in place and new business processes will follow. For example, we are already working on automating the calculation and settlement of pension entitlements, which had been partly manual. And as soon as a process issue regarding career reliability is addressed, it will go through Bonita. »
Jean-Christophe Rainaut, CIO at CIPAV
Video in French
Project Objective
Fully modernized business processes
CIPAV is responsible for a number of business processes, for example to calculate, request, and distribute payments, and for recovery actions and litigation.
On taking his post as CIO at CIPAV, Jean-Christophe Rainaut focused first on the transformation of an aging information system. But as the need for versatility, particularly in terms of task management, was evident, he quickly identified BPM as a foundational element for both re-engineering and rapidly deploying numerous business processes.

« We have chosen to orient ourselves, whenever possible, towards market standards and in particular towards SaaS and open source. In addition, we wanted to opt for a scalable solution that doesn't require significant custom development.»
The goal was clear: projects had to be deployed quickly, based on a simply stated set of needs.
The CIO choice
The first project was carried out with Bonita, to modernize in accord with GEIDE and to implement an archive.
Today, the Bonita-based solution organizes activity digitally in a seamless way, with multi-channel access. CIPAV's IT team has foregone a long and costly 'big bang' approach and opted for a 'quick win' approach instead. Today it is able, after only 2-3 months of deployment, to provide a rapid response to business requests. In agile and iterative mode, new projects on Bonita can better measure processing times, access activity history, delegate work during absences, and finally, better distribute tasks using pre-established rules.
«This is a first step. We'll next set up a contact form and new business processes will follow. For example, we are already working on the automation of retirement benefits calculation and dispersal, was partly manual.»
Benefits to the CIO
- The agile and iterative approach that takes into account the different business needs over time
- The ability of the IT department to provide a rapid response to users
- Better rationalization of the distribution of tasks
Benefits to the users
- Improved visibility of information related to member files and better control during processing
- Better assessment of managers' productivity
CIPAV relies on the Bonita platform
"The benefits are of different kinds. First, we now have the ability to respond quickly, which was not the case before. We took an an intuitive, agile approach. For the employees, the benefits are noticeable on response times, better measurement of processing time, no lost tasks, the ability to delegate during absence, and a better distribution of work."
Jean-Christophe Rainaut, CIPAV CIO
La CIPAV is the main pension fund for independent professionals, distinguished by its interprofessional character as well as by its dynamic membership growth. Founded in 1978 and originally dedicated to architects and the construction trades, CIPAV has today integrated many other independently employed professionals. Its mission is to manage basic pension benefits, complementary retirement, disability, and death benefits for its 550,000 members. It administers numerous business processes daily: calculations, assessments, benefits payments and rights liquidation, payment collection, litigation, and more.
RS2i - Integration partner
RS2i has many years of expertise in the integration of software solutions, process optimization, with activities ranging from design to development through coaching and consulting.
"With a number of legacy applications to consider, integrating Bonita with the existing IS was not easy. Moreover, the transverse solution required real coordination work between the different project teams. The speed of its deployment made it possible to convince the different IT teams, then to gain the support of the users."
Joseph Khouri, Managing Director of RS2i